Classical Ballet

At Niche Dance Studios our ballet classes are based on the Cecchetti Method.The Cecchetti Method of teaching classical ballet includes a very full vocabulary of movement, including exercises composed by Cecchetti himself for the development of strength, balance, poise and elevation. The port de bras, or exercises to develop grace and coordination of the arms are generally admitted to be unsurpassed. One of the foremost features of the Cecchetti Method is the very sound basis of anatomical detail, as set down by Carlo Blasis and proven through the ages. Combined with a close association with the professional dance world, this enables the Cecchetti dancer to adapt easily to modern work (taken from
Ballet classes are conducted in age groups to ensure that each student is working and dancing with their peer group, at Niche, these age groups are Pre School, five levels of Under 10, five levels of Under 13, Under 15 and Senior. There are no pre-requisites to beginning ballet at Niche, with many students beginning at the age of three, though in some circumstances, if you are joining at a later age, you may be required to attend a trial class to determine your ability level. We offer foundation ballet classes for older students wishing to start ballet training or experienced dance students wanting to add the genre to their training. In addition to general ballet classes, Cecchetti Ballet Exam classes are recommended to all ballet students. Junior levels are conducted Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The first two weeks of Term 3 are conducted as 'exam intensives', additional classes are held, as well as a dress rehearsal with our wonderful pianist Betty Thompson. These classes are based on the levels offered by Cecchetti, which are Pre-Primary, Primary, Grades 1 - 6, Intermediate, Advanced 1, Advanced 2 and diploma. Students sit their ballet exams at the end of July each year, with classes running during Term 1 and Term 2. Undertaking exams is not a pre-requisite of taking regular ballet classes at Niche.
Please note the 2019 exam dates for Pre-Primary, Primary and Grades 1 - 4 are Friday the 26th and Sunday the 28th of July 2019 at our studios. If your child wishes to undertake these exam levels please put this date in your diary now as it is fixed and your child must attend on this date. If your child undertakes Grade 5 and above the exams are held on dates to be advised and at the Cecchetti studios in North Melbourne during August and September. If you would like more information about our ballet classes, please complete the form on our Contact Us page.